Package of 10 qualified signatures



The signature package is sold in VOUCHER form to be used on the SIGNIUS platform. Each VOUCHER has a form of a one-time activation code, which you will receive with activation instructions immediately after purchase.

You can buy as many VOUCHERs as you like – use them or pass them on to other people (e.g. business partners, employees) to sign documents with them online faster.

The online identity verification required to issue a qualified signature is included in the package price.

All signatures are time-stamped with a qualified timestamp.

The signatures are created in the LTV/LTA standard – allowing for long-term validation. This means that even after many years ( also after your certificate has expired), they will be verified correctly.

The service is compliant with the European Union eIDAS Regulation.

The package of 10 qualified signatures is valid for 7 days after signing the first document.

You can activate your activation code until 31.12.2025.

Any questions? Get in touch with us: