You can use SIGNIUS platform in 2 ways
Create a free account and use it yourself
Get the best remote signing software on the market. Choose from multiple packages. Sign up for free.
You get a gift
First 10 advanced signatures are free
Rules are simple
All prices are gross and there’s no extra charge during use
It’s easy
When you buy a package, you can use it right away
It’s all-in-one
The package price always includes identity verification
You’re in good hands
Your subscription renews automatically. You can cancel it at any time
Choose a Business Account
With a Business Account, you get so much more! You can integrate the platform via API. Your employees’ accounts will be in one administration panel. Thinking about your own platform branding or need other advanced functionalities? We have a wide range of solutions for businesses of any size.
It’s your space
You get a business customer panel and you manage users on your own
It’s all integrated
Our platform integrates easily via REST API with your systems (for ex. CRM, DMS, BPM, SharePoint)
It’s your brand on our engine
Platform can be branded just for you
to fit your customer service process perfectly -
We’re here to help
We offer full technical support
Easy billing
We apply the “Pay as You Go” rule and issue summary invoices at the end of the month
Using yourself?
Find out the pricing
Advanced electronic signature
- One-time packages are activated when you buy them
- All prices are gross
- One-time packages of advanced signatures in the form of vouchers are available in our SHOP
Pay as you go
One-time packages
Use when you need it
Number of signatures:
Qualified electronic signatures
- Personal qualified certificate – a package of qualified signatures is issued for one person
- Remote identity verification (video call without an appointment, selfie check or electronic banking)
- Signing the first document activates one-time packages of qualified signatures
- All prices are gross
- One-time packages of qualified signatures in the form of vouchers are available in our SHOP
Pay as you go
One-time packages
Use when you need it
Number of signatures:
It's up to you who pays
Do you send documents to be signed, but don’t sign them? Get your documents signed for free with a free account. All costs will be covered by the signers.
Depending on the type of signature you can choose who covers the costs:
- Advanced signature – every time you send a document for signature, the signatures are automatically deducted from your package.
- Qualified signature – you can flip the payment to the co-signer, or cover his signature – then you buy the other party a package (identity verification is included in the price).
How does it work?
![Test ALTa](
Join our partnership program
Let's go digital and earn with us
SIGNIUS aims high, and we are already active in a number of European markets. If you are interested in supporting our activities and generating additional income, please contact us.